Karen Cypret
District 7 President -
I joined the Cassville Memorial Post #4205 Auxiliary in November 2007. Here's a funny story: The night my husband and I joined, District Commander Chet Tweten came to the Post intending to close it. District President Darlene Tweten was also there. Fortunately, the Post made some changes that night, and they were allowed to remain open. They went on to earn impressive recognition, including 2 All-State Post awards and an All-American Post Award.
I joined under my husband Brian of 40 years, who served in the USMC in Korea in 1983-1984.
I'm currently a member Tom Wolfe Memorial Auxiliary of VFW Post #4207. This Auxiliary merged with my original Auxiliary, Post #4205, in 2013.
Within the Auxiliary, my favorite role is definitely my current position, Senior Vice. I love it because I get to support the President in whatever is needed. I am their "plan B” and love it.
I love to crochet, both yarn and thread, I read, and I sew. Actually, I love all crafts – it's hard to pick just one!